Alexandr Alexeevich Koltipin
Born | 1883 |
Died | 1942 |
Related eponyms
Russian paediatrician, 1883-1942.
Biography of Alexandr Alexeevich Koltipin
This information about Koltipin was submitted by Zoran Bojanic, Serbia:
Alexandr Alexeevich Koltipin studied medicine at the Medical faculty, Moscow University, graduating in 1908. He subsequently practised as a physician, and from 1912 worked with Proff. A. A. Kisel in his clinic.
From 1927 to 1931 he held the chair of infant's diseasea, and in 1932 was appointed to the chair of paediatrics at the medical faculty, 2nd medical institute. From 1938 to 1942 he was science manager of Central paediatric institute Narkomzdrava RSFSR. He published over 100 articles.
- Ob issledovanii vegetativnoi nervnoi sistemi u detei pri ostrych infectiah (scarlatina i kor). Zh Psychol Nevrol Psikh 1924, 5: 39.
- K voprosu o classifikacii clinicheskych scarlatini u detei. Moscow, 1925.
- Ostrie infeccionie bolezni. Moscow, 1928.
- Clinicheskie ossobenosti grippa v detskom vozraste.
In: Gripp v detskom vozraste. ed E. Iu. Shurpe. Moscow, 1935: 37. - Uchebnik detskych boleznei. Moskva, 1939.
- Metodika clinicheskogo issledovania infeccionnogo bolnogo i semiotika infeccionnogo processa u detei. Moscow-Leningrad, 1941.
- Osnovnie cherti dinamiki infeccionnogo processa. Pediatria, 1943, 6: 5.
- Patogeneticheskie osnovi klinicheskoi classifikacii ostrych infeccionnych boleznei u detei. Moscow, 1948.