Johan Georg Ræder
Born | 1889 |
Died | 1956 |
Related eponyms
Biography of Johan Georg Ræder
Johan Georg Ræder was born in Kristiania (now Oslo) and graduated in medicine in June 1915. Already from 1912, while still a student, he was a candidate at the department of diseases of the eye at Rikshospitalet. After graduation he travelled to Angola, then a Portuguese colony, where he served for one year as a physician to the South Atlantic Whaling Company.
After returning to Norway he held internships at the Rikshospitalet, and during the years undertook postgraduate studies at the universities of Copenhagen, Paris, Freiburg im Breisgau, Graz, and Halle an der Saale. He was assistant physician at the department of diseases of the eye at Rikshospitalet from 1921, and from 1920 to 1925 held a scholarship in ophthalmology and physiological optics at the University of Oslo. In 1924 he became a licensed specialist in diseases of the eye, and that year obtained his medical doctorate. From June 1930 he was physician, and from 1931 head physician at the newly established department for diseases of the eye at Ullevål Sykehus in Oslo. From the mid 1930's failing health caused him to reduce his workload, and he retired in 1942.
A passionate hunter an lover of outdoor life, Reader visited Africa several times and wrote books about his experiences.
- Et nyt instrument til maaling av camera anteriors dybde (thalamometer).
Norsk Magazin for Lægevidenskaben, 1918, 79: 862-871. - Et tilfælde av intrakraniel sympaticuslammelse.
Norsk Magazin for Lægevidenskaben, 1918, 79: 999-1016. - Et par selvforsøk med miotica.
Opth Foren i Kristiania, forhandlinger 29. september 1919. - En del maalinger av camera anteriors dybde i det normale emmetrope øie.
Norsk tidsskrift for Militærmedicin, 1919: 177-191 and 215-228. - Die optischen Mängel der Brillengläser.
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, Stuttgart, 1921, 66 (1): 1249. - Eine Berichtigung zu M. Rohr's: "Die Brille als optisches Instrument".
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, Stuttgart 1922, 68 (1): 231.
Referring to Moritz Rohr, born 1868, professor of medical optics at Jena. - Untersuchungen über die Lage und Dicke der Linse im menschlichen Auge bei physiologischen und pathologischen Zuständen, nach einer neuen Methode gemessen. I. Die Lage und Dicke der Linse bei Emmetropen, Hypermetropen, und Myopen.
Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für Ophthalmologie, Berlin, 1922, 68 (1): 73. - Die Lage der Linse bei Glaucomatösen.
Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für Ophthalmologie, Berlin, 1923 (1): 40. - Aldersglaukomets patogenese og dets systematiske inndeling.
Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening, Oslo, 1924: 661-679. - Untersuchungen über die Lage und Dicke der Linse im menschlichen Auge bei physiologischen und pathologischen Zuständen, nach einer neuen Methode gemessen.
Doctoral dissertation, 1924. - Om Dobbeltsyn.
Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening, Oslo, 1924: 809-820 and 885-892. - “Paratrigeminal” paralysis of the oculopupillary sympathetic.
Brain, Oxford, 1924, 47: 149-158. - Einige Fälle von Invertierung der intraocularen Druckschwankung bei Netzhautablösung mit Sekundärglaukom.
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, Stuttgart, 1925, 74: 424. - Ansigts- og øienatrofi (presenil cataract og "glaukom") foraarsaket av symmetrisk carotisaffektion.
Written with Francis Harbitz (1867-1950).
Norsk Magazin for Lægevidenskaben, 1926: 529-550. - Briller for kredssykekassens regning.
Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening, Oslo: 1926: 503-504. - Foreløbig meddelselse om en ny glaukomoperasjon.
Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening, Oslo, 1927: 1277-1278 and 1428, 1928. - Ville dyr og sorte mennesker. Med børse og kamera i Vest-Afrika.
Oslo: Dybwad, 1944. - Paradisiske Afrika. Oslo: Dybwad, 1944.
- Øivind Larsen, editor:
Norges leger. Den norske lægeforening. Oslo, 1996. Pages 581-582.