William R. Kennedy
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American neurologist
Biography of William R. Kennedy
William R. Kennedy lives in Twin Cities. He is a professsor of Neurology at University of Minnesota since 1964 and Administrator of Kennedy Research Laboratory.
A skin blister method to study epidermal nerves in peripheral nerve disease.
W. R. Kennedy, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, T. Johnson, M. Nolano.
Muscle and Nerve, New York, 1999, 22: 360-371.
Topical capsaicin in humans: parallel loss of epidermal nerve fibers and pain sensation.
M. Nolano, D. A. Simone, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, W. R. Kennedy.
Pain 1999, 81:135-145.
Magnetically aligned collagen gel filling a collagen nerve guide improves peripheral nerve regeneration.
D. Ceballos, X. Navarro, N. Dubey, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, W. R. Kennedy, R. Tranquillo.
Experimental Neurology, New York, London, 1999, 158: 290-300.
Utility of the skin biopsy method in studies of diabetic neuropathy.
W. R. Kennedy, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb.
In: Clinical Neurophysiology: From Receptors to Perception. Editors: G. Comi, C.H.. Lucking, J. Kimura, P.M. Rossini.
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. Supplement, Amsterdam, 1999. Supplement 50 : 553-559.
Sensory Functions of epidermal nerve fibers in humans.
D. A. Simone, N. Khalili, J.-D. Brederson, C. Feder, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, W. R. Kennedy.
In: Procedings 9th World Congress on Pain Progress in Pain Research and Management. Editors: M. Devor, M.C. Rowbotham, Z. Wiesenfeld-Hallin. 1999, 16: 207-213.
Psychophysical Assessment of Heat Pain Sensation Using a Small Thermode Detects The Rapid Loss of Epidermal Nerve Fibers Following Topical Application of Capsaicin.
N. Khalili, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, W. R. Kennedy, D. A. Simone.
Pain 2001, 91: 241-250.
Absent innervation of skin and sweat glands in congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis.
M. Nolano, C. Crisci, L. Santoro, F. Barbieri, R. Casale, W. R. Kennedy, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, V. Provitera, Di Lorenzo N, G. Caruso.
Clinical Neurophysiology, Limerick, 2000, 111: 1596-1601.
Utility of skin biopsy and skin blister in neurological practice.
W. R. Kennedy, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, D. Walk.
Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease, Hagerstown, MD, 2000, 1: 196-203.
Kennedy disease, a historical note. W.R. Kennedy
Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease, 2000, 2: 3-5.
Low chapter. Unmyelinated Nerves in Diabetic Neuropathy Assessed by Skin Biopsy and Skin Blister Methods.
W. R. Kennedy, G. Crabb.
In: Diabetic Neuropathy. F. A. Gries, P. J. Dyck, P. A. Low, D. R. Tomlinson, D. Ziegler, editors. Stuttgart: Thieme, In Press. 2000.
Small nerve fiber involvement in Friedreich Ataxia.
M. Nolano, V. Provitera, C. Crisci, A. Saltalamacchia, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, W. R. Kennedy, A. Filla, L. Santoro, G. Caruso.
Annals of Neurology, 2001.
>1000 pancreas transplants at a single institution.
D. E. R. Sutherland, R. W. G. Gruessner, D. L. Dunn, A. J. Matas, A. Humar, R. Kandaswamy, S. M. Mauer, W. R. Kennedy, F. C. Goetz, R. P. Robertson, A. C. Gruessner, J. S. Najarian.
Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia, 2001, 233: 463-501.
Epidermal nerve fibers. Observation on structure and function.
W. R. Kennedy, N. Khalili, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, M. Nolano, D. Simone.
Clinical Neurophysiology, October 2001, volume 12.
Epidermal nerve fibers. W. R. Kennedy, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb.
Submitted to: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. In Press, 2001.
Unmyelinated nerves, challenges, and opportunities: skin biopsy and beyond.
William R. Kennedy.
Supplements to Clinical Neurophysiology, 2004, 57: 8-14.
W. R. Kennedy, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, T. Johnson, M. Nolano.
Muscle and Nerve, New York, 1999, 22: 360-371.
Topical capsaicin in humans: parallel loss of epidermal nerve fibers and pain sensation.
M. Nolano, D. A. Simone, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, W. R. Kennedy.
Pain 1999, 81:135-145.
Magnetically aligned collagen gel filling a collagen nerve guide improves peripheral nerve regeneration.
D. Ceballos, X. Navarro, N. Dubey, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, W. R. Kennedy, R. Tranquillo.
Experimental Neurology, New York, London, 1999, 158: 290-300.
Utility of the skin biopsy method in studies of diabetic neuropathy.
W. R. Kennedy, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb.
In: Clinical Neurophysiology: From Receptors to Perception. Editors: G. Comi, C.H.. Lucking, J. Kimura, P.M. Rossini.
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. Supplement, Amsterdam, 1999. Supplement 50 : 553-559.
Sensory Functions of epidermal nerve fibers in humans.
D. A. Simone, N. Khalili, J.-D. Brederson, C. Feder, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, W. R. Kennedy.
In: Procedings 9th World Congress on Pain Progress in Pain Research and Management. Editors: M. Devor, M.C. Rowbotham, Z. Wiesenfeld-Hallin. 1999, 16: 207-213.
Psychophysical Assessment of Heat Pain Sensation Using a Small Thermode Detects The Rapid Loss of Epidermal Nerve Fibers Following Topical Application of Capsaicin.
N. Khalili, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, W. R. Kennedy, D. A. Simone.
Pain 2001, 91: 241-250.
Absent innervation of skin and sweat glands in congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis.
M. Nolano, C. Crisci, L. Santoro, F. Barbieri, R. Casale, W. R. Kennedy, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, V. Provitera, Di Lorenzo N, G. Caruso.
Clinical Neurophysiology, Limerick, 2000, 111: 1596-1601.
Utility of skin biopsy and skin blister in neurological practice.
W. R. Kennedy, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, D. Walk.
Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease, Hagerstown, MD, 2000, 1: 196-203.
Kennedy disease, a historical note. W.R. Kennedy
Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease, 2000, 2: 3-5.
Low chapter. Unmyelinated Nerves in Diabetic Neuropathy Assessed by Skin Biopsy and Skin Blister Methods.
W. R. Kennedy, G. Crabb.
In: Diabetic Neuropathy. F. A. Gries, P. J. Dyck, P. A. Low, D. R. Tomlinson, D. Ziegler, editors. Stuttgart: Thieme, In Press. 2000.
Small nerve fiber involvement in Friedreich Ataxia.
M. Nolano, V. Provitera, C. Crisci, A. Saltalamacchia, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, W. R. Kennedy, A. Filla, L. Santoro, G. Caruso.
Annals of Neurology, 2001.
>1000 pancreas transplants at a single institution.
D. E. R. Sutherland, R. W. G. Gruessner, D. L. Dunn, A. J. Matas, A. Humar, R. Kandaswamy, S. M. Mauer, W. R. Kennedy, F. C. Goetz, R. P. Robertson, A. C. Gruessner, J. S. Najarian.
Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia, 2001, 233: 463-501.
Epidermal nerve fibers. Observation on structure and function.
W. R. Kennedy, N. Khalili, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb, M. Nolano, D. Simone.
Clinical Neurophysiology, October 2001, volume 12.
Epidermal nerve fibers. W. R. Kennedy, G. Wendelschafer-Crabb.
Submitted to: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. In Press, 2001.
Unmyelinated nerves, challenges, and opportunities: skin biopsy and beyond.
William R. Kennedy.
Supplements to Clinical Neurophysiology, 2004, 57: 8-14.