Pott's fracture
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A common fracture of one or both bones just above the ankle. Fracture of the lower end of the fibula and medial malleolus of the tibia with rupture of the internal lateral ligament of the ankle, caused by outward and backward displacement of the leg while the foot is fixed. Sir Percival Pott experienced this compound fracture in 1756 and in 1769 gave his classical description of it.
- P. Pott:
Some Few General Remarks on Fractures and Dislocations.
London, Howes, 1769. - G. Dupuytren:
Mémoire sur la fracture de l’extremité inferieure du peroné, les luxations et les accidents qui en sont la suite.
Ann med.-chir Hôp Paris, 1819; 1: 2-212.
Of special interest in this treatise is his description of experimental fractures produced in cadavers to elucidate the mechanism of injury.