Möller-Barlow disease
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A diseases of childhood caused by malnutrition with lack of vitamin C - ascorbic acid, and characterized by gingival lesions, haemorrhage, arthralgia, loss of appetite, listlessness, and other symptoms similar to those seen in adult scurvy. Ocular findings may include exophthalmos and conjunctival hemorrhage. Most common in bottle-fed children, rare in breast-feeding children. Usually occurs between 6 and 12 months of age. When associated with cutaneous ecchymoses and submucosal gingicval lesions, the condition simulates infantile scurvy. The course is similar to that of scurvy in adults.
The term Barlow's disease was introduced by Johann Otto Leonhardt Heubner (1843-1926); L. Conitzer named it Möller-Barlow disease.
- J. O. L. Moeller:
Über akute Rachitis.
Königsberger medicinische Jahrbücher, 1859, 1: 377-379.
Königsberger medicinische Jahrbücher, 1862, 3: 135. - W. B. Cheadle:
Scurvy and purpura.
British Medical Journal, London, 1872, 2: 520-522. Three cases of scurvy supervening on rickets in young children.
Lancet, London, 1878, 2: 685.
In this article Cheadle distinguished scurvy from rickets. Infantile scurvy.
With Frederick John Poynton (1869-1943). London, 1909. - T. Barlow:
On cases described as "acute rickets" which are probably a combination of scurvy and rickets, the scurvy being an essential, and the rickets a variable, element.
Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, London, 1883, 66: 159-220. - O. Heubner:
Über skorbutartige Erkrankungen rachitischer Säuglinge (Barlowsche Krankheit).
Jahrbuch für Kinderheilkunde, Berlin NF, 1892, 35: 351. - L. Conitzer:
Zwei Fälle von Moeller-Barlowscher Krankheit.
Münchener medizinische Wochenschrift, 1894, 11: 203.