Gowers' panatrophy
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A disturbance in which clearly defined areas of atrophy of skin with disappearance of subcutaneous tissue appear On the back, buttocks, thighs or arms, over a period of a few weeks without signs of inflammation. Prevalent in women, with onset in second to fourth decades Etiology unknown. To be differentiated from sclerotic panatrophy of scleroderma and forms of panniculitis.
- W. Gowers:
A Manual of Diseases of the Nervous system.
Volume 1, London, J. &. A. Churchill, 1886.
The first description of local panatrophy is on page 365. - S. Barnes:
Report on Sir William Gowers’ case of local panatrophy.
Transactions of the Clinical Society of London, 1902-1903, 36: 164-168. Gowers’ case of local panatrophy.
British Journal of Dermatology, Oxford, 1939; 51: 377-380.