Robin's syndrome
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A very rare congenital malformation syndrome characterized by unusual smallness of the jaw combined with cleft palate and downward displacement of the tongue. The affected child may be in danger because of difficulty in breathing and feeding. The abnormality occurs in isolation or as a variable component of many genetic syndromes. Inheritance is that of the syndrome with which it is associated.
- Pierre Robin:
La glossoptose. Son diagnostic, ses consequences, son traitement.
Bulletin de l’Académie nationale de médecine, Paris, 1923, 89: 37.
Journal de médecine de Paris, 1923, 43: 235-237. La glossoptose, un grave danger pour nos enfants.
Paris, Gaston Doin, 1927. Glossoptosis due to atresia and hypertrophy of the mandible.
American Journal of Diseases of Children, Chicago, 1934, 48: 541.