Brugsch's syndrome
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A syndrome of achromicry observed in diabetes mellitus neurohormonalis. Characterized by acropachyderma, pachyacria, acromicria, dystrophia osteogenitale, pseudoacromegaly, gynaecomastia; and facial and pubic hypotrichosis. The thickening and folding of the skin with increased sebaceous secretion gives the face a peculiar, despair-like appearance. Inheritance is probably autosomal dominant.
It has not subsequently been described as a separate syndrome and is not included in surveys of achromicry.
This disorder differs from the Touraine-Solente-Golé syndrome by the absence of acromegaly. See under Albert Touraine, French dermatologist, 1883-1961.
- T. Brugsch:
Akromikrie oder Dystrophia osteogenitalis.
Med Klin, Berlin, 1927, 23: 81-82.
Describes the same condition without acromegaly. - H. G. Brugsch:
Acropachyderma with pachyperiostitis. Report of case.
Archives of Internal Medicine, Chicago, 1941, 68: 687-700.