Forsius-Eriksson syndrome
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The symptoms are fundusalbinismus, hypoplasia of macula lutea, nystagmus, myopia, and refraction anomalies. Familial X-chromosomal dominant type of inheritance or X-chromosomal recessive inheritance. Affects only males; females are carriers.
The disorder was delineated in the population of the Åland Islands, an archipelago at the entrance to the Gulf of Bothnia, between Finland and Sweden.
See also Nettleship syndrome, or X-linked ocular albinism, under Edward Nettleship, English dermatologist and eye surgeon, 1845-1913.
- H. Forsius, A. W. Eriksson:
Ein neues Augensyndrom mit X-chromosomaler Transmission. Eine Sippe mit Fundusalbinismus, Foveahypoplasie, Nystagmus, Myopie, Astigmatismus und Dyschromatopsie.
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, Stuttgart, 1964, 144: 447-457.