Balint's syndrome
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A syndrome combining paralysis of visual fixation, optic ataxia, and impairment of visual fixation. It is marked by inability to execute voluntary movement in response to visual stimuli. Despite normal field of view and normal acuity the patients perceives only one object, from which he can hardly move his eyes, while all other objects are not recognised. A rare disorder of oculomotor function due to bilateral lesions of the parietal and occipital lobes. First described by Balint in 1909. Gordon Morgan Holmes reported another in 1918.
- R. Balint:
Seelenlähmung des "Schauens", optische Ataxia, räumliche Störung der Aufmerksamkeit.
Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie, 1909, 25: 51-81. - G. M. Holmes:
Disturbances of visual orientation.
British Journal of Ophthalmology, London, 1918, 2: 449-468, 506-516.