Groenouw's syndrome
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A peculiar form of an inheritable, parenchymatous nodular degeneration of cornea, a corneal dystrophy characterized by hyaline degeneration in the absence of acid mucopolysaccharide deposition. Both sexes affected; onset during first 10 years of life. Deterioration usually becomes serious after fifth decade, with visual reduction by 50 to 60 years of age. Signs are greyish white opaque granules with sharp borders, mostly in central part of cornea. Cornea clear between opaque spots. Etiology unknown. Autosomal dominant inheritance. Sporadic cases also reported.
- A. Groenouw:
Knötchenförmige Hornhauttrübungen (Noduli corneae).
Archiv für Augenheilkunde, München, 1890, 21: 281-289. 42: 1889-1890. Knötchenförmige Hornhauttrübungen vererbt durch 4 Generationen.
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, Stuttgart, 1933, 90: 577-580. - B. Fleischer:
Über familiäre Hornhautentartung.
Archiv für Augenheilkunde, 1905, 53: 263-344.