Mortensen's syndrome
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Obsolete, no longer used term for essential (or haemorrhagic) thrombocythaemia, a haematological disorder characterized by prolonged bleeding time and splenomegaly, with excessive bleeding after minor trauma and at surgery, in spite of a permanent increase in the blood platelet count. Thrombotic manifestations may be present in splenic vein and superficial and deep veins of legs. Both sexes equally affected; onset in 3rd decade or later. Possible autosomal dominant trait.
- G. Di Guglielmo:
Megacariociti e piastrine negli organi emopoietici e nel sangue circolante.
Atti R Acad Chir Napoli, 1919, 83: 19. - E. Epstein, A. Goedel:
Hämorrhagische Thrombocythämie bei vascularer Schrumpfmilz.
Virchows Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für klinische Medizin, Berlin, March 1934, 292 (2): 233-248. - O. Mortensen:
Thrombocythemia hemorrhagica.
Acta medica scandinavica, Stockholm, 1948, 129: 547-559. - L. Révol:
La myélose hyperthrombocytaire (thrombocytémie hémorrhagique).
Sang, 1950, 21: 409-423.