Hallopeau's syndrome III
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A skin disorder characterized by formation of sterile pustules surrounded by a hyperaemic base on the axillae, scalp, groin, genitalia, lips, and oral mucosa. Coalescing pustules form crust-covered warty patches with vegetative surfaces beneath. When occurring repeatedly and for prolonged time, they may cause atrophy of nails and distal phalanges. The oral ulcers are caused by ruptured pustules. Histologically, the disorder is similar to pemphigus vulgaris. Both sexes affected; onset in middle age.
It is a peculiar course of an acral localised psoriasis pustulosa. Aetiology is unknown, but it is believed to be caused by staphylococcal superinfection. First described by the London dermatologist Henry Radcliffe Crocker (1845-1909) in 1888 and Hallopeau in 1889/1890.
- H. R. Crocker:
Diseases of the skin.
London, 1888; 3rd edition, 1903. His main work. - F. H. Hallopeau:
Sur une nouvelle forme de dermatite pustuleuse chronique en foyer à progression excentrique.
Congr intern Derm Syph Compt rend, Paris, 1889, page 344. Nouvelle note sur la dermatose bulleuse hereditaire et traumatique.
Annales de dermatologie et syphiligraphie, Paris, 1898, 45: 323-328.