Foville's paresis
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Condition characterized by conjugate ocular paralysis of the sixth and seventh cranial nerves, with hemiplegia on the opposite side. It is due to a lesion in the pons - usually an infarction or tumour - involving the fibres of the sixth and seventh cranial nerves fibres and motor fibres to the opposite side of the body. The clinical picture is the same as in Millard-Gubler syndrome, but with paralysis of inward movement of the eye in attempting to look toward the side of the lesion
- A. L. F. Foville:
Note sur une paralysie peu connue de certains muscles de l’oeil, et sa liaison avec quelques points de l’anatomie et la physiologie de la protubérance annulaire.
Bulletin de la Société anatomique, Paris, 1858, 3: 393-414.
English translation in Wolf, The Classical Brain Stem Syndromes, Springfield, Thomas, 1971.