Bence Jones' protein
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Abnormal, heat-sensitive low molecular paraprotein consisting exclusively of monoclonal light chains of gamma globulin molecules with an MG of ca 22.000. Occurs in urine in patients with multiple myeloma and occasionally in patients with other diseases of the reticuloendothelial system. When urine samples are heated to 50 to 60°C, a precipitate forms. It disappears when the urine is boiled and reappears when the urine cools. Demonstrated by electrophoresis. Discovered by Bence-Jones in 1848.
Following the short biography of Henry Bence Jones is an article on the men whose work resulted in the discovery of the Bence Jones Protein. It contains many of the names found in the bibliography below.
- J. Dalrymple:
On the microscopical character of mollities ossium.
Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, 1846, 2: 85-95.
Report of the histological examination of bone material containing multiple myeloma from the patient described by MacIntyre - H. Bence Jones:
Papers on chemical pathology: prefaced by the Gulstonian lectures, read at the Royal College of Physicians, 1846.
Lecture III. The Lancet, 1847, 2: 88-92. On a new substance occurring in the urine of a patient with mollities ossium.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1848, 138: 55-62. - W. MacIntyre:
Case of mollities and fragilitas ossium.
Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, London, 1850, 31: 211-232. - J. von Rustitskii:
Multiples Myelom.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Chirurgie, Leipzig, 1873, 3: 162-172. - O. Kahler:
Zur Symptomatologie des multiplen Myeloms. Beobachtung von Albumosurie.
Prager Medicinische Wochenschrift, 1889, 14: 33-45. - D.M. Kydd:
Bence-Jones protein in serum.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, Baltimore, 1934, 107: 747-753. - L.G. Longsworth, T. Shedlovsky and D.A. MacInnes:
Electrophoretic patterns of normal and pathological human blood serum and plasma.
Journal of Experimental Medicine, New York, 1939, 70: 399-413. - P. Graber, C.A. Williams:
Méthode permettant l’étude conjugée des propriétés électrophorétiques et immunochimiques d'un mélange de protéines. Application au sérum sanguin.
Biochimico et biophysica acta, Amsterdam, 1953, 10: 193-194.