Ochsner-Mahorner test
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A modification of Perthes' test in which the patient is disrobed and walks about; the tourniquet is then applied sequentially at the knee and mid-calf after observing the veins. If the veins collape, the deep veins are patent and the communicating veins are competent. If they remain unchanged, deep and communicating veins are incompetent. If they increase in size and pain occurs the deep veins are occluded and the communicating veins are incompetent.
See also Perthes’ test, a clinical test for assessing the patency of the deep femoral veins, under Georg Clemens Perthes, German surgeon, 1869-1927.
- H. R. Mahorner, A. Ochsner:
A new test for evaluating circulation in the venous system of the lower extremity affected by varicosities.
Archives of Surgery, Chicago, 1936, 33: 479-492. - A. Ochsner, H. Mahorner:
The modern treatment of varicose veins. Surgery, 1937, 2: 889. - A. Ochsner, H. Mahorner:
Varicose veins. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby, 1939. 147 pages.