Sneddon-Champion syndrome
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A syndrome of livedo reticularis and cerebrovascular lesions with livedo involved in all the extremities and the trunk, purpura, leg ulcers, scarring, gangrene of toes, transient ischaemic attacks, an impaired or absent pulse in posterior tibial and dorsalis pedis arteries, and the Raynaud phenomenon. Worsening in cold weather and during the acute phase of neurological complications. Onset at all ages (2 months to 69 years). Described in males. Sporadic occurrence or autosomal dominant inheritance.
- I. B. Sneddon:
Cerebrovascular lesions and livedo reticularis.
British Journal of Dermatology, Oxford, 1965, 77: 180-185. - R. H. Champion, J. R. Allison:
Livedo reticularis: A review.
British Journal of Dermatology, Oxford, 1965, 77: 167-179.- M. Rebollo, et al:
Livedo reticularis and cerebrovascular lesions (Sneddon’s syndrome). Clinical, radiological and pathological features in eight cases.
Brain, Oxford, 1983, 106: 965-979. - M. Rebollo, et al: