Adams-Victor-Mancall syndrome (Raymond Delacy Adams)
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A syndrome affecting both sexes, characterised by progressive facial and tongue weakness, speech and deglutition impairment. Occasionally, pseudobulbar phenomena, emotional lability. Positive Babinski. etc. The condition is seen in alcoholic or nutritionally deprived patients Onset usually in adulthood.
- R. D. Adams, M. Victor:
Effect of alcohol on nervous system.
Research Publications - Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease, Baltimore, Maryland, 1953, 32: 526-573.
- R. D. Adams, E. L. Mancall, M. Victor:
Central pontine myelosis.
Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, Chicago, 1959, 81: 154-161.
- R. D. Adams, M. Victor:
Principles of Neurology. (3rd ed 1985).
Sergio I. Magalini, Sabina C. Magalini, Giovanni de Francisi: Dictionary of Medical Syndromes. J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. 1990.