Ollier's disease
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A disorder of the growing ends of bones in which round nonossified cartilaginous masses scattered throughout the skeleton produce asymmetrical and very variable deformities, asymmetric leg shortening being common. The lesions are first noted from 1 to 4 years of age, rarely at birth, with little progression after adolescence. Both sexes may be affected.
The majority of cases have been sporadic but a familial tendency has been reported in a few instances. Enchondromatosis is usually bilateral. The term Ollier syndrome applies in cases with unilateral involvement. The combination of multiple enchondromata with haemangiomata and phleboliths is known as Maffucci syndrome.
- L. X. E. L. Ollier:
Dyschondroplasie. Lyon médical 1898, 88: 484-492. Exostoses multiples. Mémoires et comptes rendus de la Société des sciences médicales de Lyon, (1889), 1890; 29, 2: 12. De la dyschondroplasie.
Bulletin de la Société de Chirurgie de Lyon, 1899-1900; 3: 22-27.