Andrews' syndrome
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A form of pustulosis palmoplantaris in which there is also a focal infection. The eruption usually begins as a crop of pustules on the midportion of the palms and soles, from where it spreads outward. The eruption is generally entirely pustular, but in some cases it consists of a mixture of vesicles and pustules. Fresh crops of lesions appear daily; they eventually coalesce and form a honeycomb-structure which becomes covered by adherent dry scales. The disorder usually follows a focal infection of the teeth, tonsils, or sinuses. Leukocytosis is frequent, and the affected persons have positive skin reaction to staphylococci and streptococci. The eruption usually disappears after removing the cause of infection. The presence of pustules deep in the epidermis, containing many polymorphonuclear and few epithelial cells, is the principal histological feature. Middle-aged persons are most frequently affected.
- G. C. Andrews, F. W. Birkmar, R. J. Kelly:
Recalcitrant pustular eruptions of the palms and soles.
Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology, Chicago, 1934, 29: 548-563.