Smith's disease (Carl Smith)
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A benign condition most frequently seen in children, occasionally in young adults, and usually characterized by pronounced lymphocytosis. The Leukocyte count ranges from 20.000 to 120.000 per cubic millimetre. Variable clinical manifestations include moderate fever, morbilliform eruption, pharyngeal exanthema, respiratory infection, gastro-intestinal disorders, diarrhoea, abdominal distension, and later meningoencephalitis. Other features may include cervical or generalized adenopathy and moderate splenomegaly. Incubation 2 to 3 weeks. Frequently asymptomatic or seldom nonspecific signs. Infectious mononucleosis, whopping cough, German measles, and other diseases are believed to be the cause.
- C. H. Smith:
Acute infectious lymphocytosis: A specific infection.
Journal of the American Medical Association, Chicago, 1944, 125: 342.