Saemisch' ulcer
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A serpiginous corneal ulcer, characterised by destructive greyish white or yellow discoid lesions, frequently associated with hypopyon, keratitis, iridocyclitis, posterior abscesses of the corneae. Usually caused by a pneumococcal infection following a minor abrasion.
- E. T. Saemisch:
Das Ulcus corneae serpens und seine Therapie; eine klinische Studie.
Bonn, M. Cohen u. Sohn, 1870.
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An eponym is a word derived from the name of a person, whether real or fictional. A medical eponym is thus any word related to medicine, whose name is derived from a person.What is Whonamedit? is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. It is our ambition to present a complete survey of all medical phenomena named for a person, with a biography of that person.Disclaimer:
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