Bezold's abscess
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A mastoiditis abscess deep in the muscle planes of the neck with suppuration in the mastoid tip cells. It is complicated by rupture of the tympanic membrane and escape of pus into the digastric groove of the sternomastoid muscle, resulting in Bezold's mastoiditis. Pus may also escape into the the back of the neck and the the thoracic cavity, leading to death. Symptoms include severe pain in perimastoidal region, difficulty of swallowing, sore throat, difficulty in breathing, nuchal rigidity, and fever.
- F. von Bezold:
Ein neuer Weg für Ausbreitung eitriger Entzündung aus den Räumen des Mittelohrs aus die Nachbarschaft und die in diesem Fall einzuschlagende Therapie.
Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift, Berlin, 1885, 7: 381-385.
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