Much's granules
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Also known as granules de Much, Much's bacillus. Gram positive, non acid-fest granules demonstrable in preparations of tuberculous material.
See also Spengler's fragments, under Carl Spengler, Swiss physician, 1860-1937
- H. Much:
Über die granuläre, nach Ziehl nicht färbbare Form des Tuberkulosevirus.
Beiträge zum Klinik der Tuberkulose, 1907, 8: 86-99. 17: 1908, 8: 85. - H. C. Sweany:
The filterability of the tubercle bacillus.
American Review of Tuberculosis, Baltimore, 1928, 16: 53. - K. R. Porter, D. Yegian:
Some artefacts encountered in stained preparations of tubercle bacilli. II. Much granules and beads. Journal of Bacteriology, Washington, 1945, 50: 563. - S. Mudd, L. V. Winterscheid, E. D. DeLamater, H. J. Henderson:
Evidence suggesting that the granules of mycobacteria are mithochondria.
Journal of Bacteriology, Washington, 1951, 62: 459.