Tietze's syndrome
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Inflammation of the costochondral cartilages. A self-limiting disease of unknown aetiology. Pain may be confused with that of myocardial infarction and is usually unilateral on the left side with a high incidence of anxiety state and previous cardiac problems. Although the pain usually disappears spontaneously, the swelling may persist long after the tenderness has disappeared. Twice as frequent in men as in women. Approximately one third of all patients are in the third decade. Tietze's syndrome and costochondritis are not identical, as the Tietze syndrome is associated with swelling, whereas costochondritis is not.
- A. Tietze:
Über eine eigenartige Häufung von Fällen mit Dystrophie der Rippenknorpel.
Berliner klinische Wochenschrift, 1921, 58: 829-831. - H. L. Kayser:
Tietze's syndrome. A review of literature.
American Journal of Medicine, New York, 1956, 21: 982-989.