Churg-Strauss disease
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A very rare type of vasculitis which is often preceded by a history of asthma, and the disease typically begins with allergic rhinitis, often with nasal polyposis and sinusitis. Symptoms are asthma-like respirational troubles. There is fever, and the main organ involvement is skin, kidney and lung with eosinophilia with vascular and extravascular granulomas at varying stages of evolution, and inflammation of small arteries. The systemic form resembles polyarteritis nodosa. Severe renal complications are uncommon. Prevalent in women.
For their report in 1951 the results by Churg and Strauss were based on 13 cases, which had originally been diagnosed as polyarteritis nodosa. The main histological criteria were necrotising vasculitis, tissue-infiltration of eosinophilic leukocytes as well as extravascular granuloma. They termed the condition allergic granulomatosis and angiitis
- J. Churg, L. Strauss:
Allergic granulomatosis, allergic angiitis, and periarteritis nodosa.
American Journal of Pathology, Philadelphia, 1951, 27: 227-301. - L. Strauss, J. Churg, F. G. Zak:
Cutaneous lesions of allergic granulomatosis: Histopathologic study.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, New York, 1951, 17: 349-359. - J. G. Lanham, J. Churg:
Churg-Strauss syndrome. In: A. Churg, J. Churg, G. G. Hunder, editors: Systemic vasculitides. New York: Igaku-Shoin, 1991: 101-120.