Mendel-Mantoux tuberculin test
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Classic method of intracutaneous testing for tuberculine sensitivity. Within 24 to 72 hours the injected area becomes hard (indurated) and red in a person who is infected with tuberculosis or has been immunised with BCG vaccine.
This test is more commonly called Mantoux’ test, but it was first developed and described by the German physician Felix Mendel in 1908. Mantoux the same year started using it to a larger extent.
A bibliography of the tuberculin tests is entered under Pirquet's test.
- F. Mendel:
In: Therapeutische Monatshefte, Berlin, 1903, 16: 177. Die von Pirquet'sche Hautreaktion und die intravenöse Tuberkulinbehandlung.
Medizinische Klinik, München, 1908, 4: 402-404. - C. Mantoux:
Intradermo-réaction de la tuberculine.
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences, Paris, 1908, 147: 355-357.