Pirogov's amputation
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An osteoplastic foot amputation at the ankle, removing a portion of the os calcis. The foot is severed so that part of the heel bone is left in the stump to give added support to the lower ends of the leg bones.
Variations are known as Le Fort's amputation and Hancock's operation. See under Léon Clément le Fort, French surgeon, 1829-1893, and Henry Hancock, English surgeon, 1809-1880.
- N. I. Pirogov:
Kostno-plasticheskoye udlineniye kostei goleni pri vilushtsheni stopi.
[Osteoplastic elongation of the bones of the leg in amputation of the foot]
Voyenno-meditsinskii Journal, St. Petersburg, 1854, 63, 2 section: 83-100. - N. I. Pirogov:
Osteoplastische Verlängerung der Unterschenkelknochen bei der Exarticulation des Fusses. Leipzig, 1854.