Peyronie's disease
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A condition characterised by hardening (induration) of the corpora cavernosa of the penis caused by scar tissue, or Peyronie's plaque, that replaces the normal elastic tissue of the tunica and forms in the wall of the tissue that surrounds the corpus cavernosum. This again causes distortion and curvature of the penis, and, at times, inability to achieve an erection. The plaque is not visible. Onset in middle-aged or elderly males. It may be caused by trauma to the penis, but there is also an autosomal dominant form. About ten percent of the patients have Dupuytren's contracture of the hand.
Several authors mention that the problem was noted in print as early as 1687, in which it was classified as a form of erectile dysfunction. According to one author, it was first described in 1704. However, none of these authors refer to bibliography. Can you help?
Peyrinie in 1743 described a patient who had "rosary beads of scar tissue to cause an upward curvature of the penis during erection."
- F. de la Peyronie:
Sur quelques obstacles, qui s’opposent à l’éjaculation naturelle de la semence.
Mémoires de l’Académie royale de médecine, Paris, 1743, 1: 425-434. - W. H. Van Buren:
A novel disease of the penis. New York Medical Journal, 1874, 19: 390. - W. H. van Buren, Edward Lawrence Keyes (1843-1924):
A practical treatise on the surgical disease of the genito-urinary organs, including syphilis.
2nd edition, New York, Appleton, 1881: 81-83.