Neu-Laxová syndrome
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A syndrome of intrauterine growth retardation and multiple malformations. Long list of features include microcephaly, lissencephaly, severe subcutaneous edema, atrophic muscles, flexion deformities, overlapping fingers, rocker-bottom feet, protruding heels, syndactyly of toes, hypoplastic genitalia, ocular hypertelorism, absent eyelid and short neck. Inheritance is autosomal recessive.
- R. L. Neu, T. Kajii, L. I. Gardner, S. F. Nagyfy, S. King:
A lethal syndrome of microcephaly with multiple congenital anomalies in three siblings.
Pediatrics, Evanston, Illinois, 1971, 47: 610-612. - R. Laxova, P. T. Ohdra, J. A. D. Timothy:
A further example of a lethal autosomal recessive condition in sibs.
Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, Oxford, 1972, 16: 139-143. - V. Povysilová, M. Macek, J. Salichova, E. Seemanova:
Letální syndrom mnohocetnych malformaci u tri sourozencu.
Ceskoslovenska Pediatrie, Prague, 1976, 31: 190-194. - G. I. Lazjuk, I. W. Lurie, T. I. Ostrowskaja, E. D. Cherstvoy, I. A. Kirillova, M. K. Nedzved, S. S. Usoev:
Brief clinical observations : the Neu-Laxova syndrome - a distinct entity.
The American Journal of Medical Genetics, New York, 1979, 3 (3): 261-267.