Guyon's tunnel syndrome
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Compression of Nervus ulnaris in Guyon's canal, causing numbness, tingling, burning sensation, and pain of the hands and fingers. The symptoms are most prominent at night. Observed most frequently in middle-aged females but it may also occur in younger women and in males. Tinel's sign often positive.
- F. Guyon:
Note sur une disposition anatomique propre à la face antérieure de la région du poignet et non encore décrite par le docteur.
Bulletin de la Société anatomique, Paris, 1861, 6: 184-186. - Pierre Marie (1853-1940), Charles Foix (1882-1927):
Atrophie isolée de léminence thénar d’origine nécritique, röle due legament anulaire antérior du carpe dans la pathogénie de la lésion.
Revue neurologique, Paris, 1913, 26: 647-649. - I. L. Bakke, H. G. Wolf:
Occupational pressure neuritis of the deep palmar branch of the ulnar nerve.
Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, Chicago, 1948, 150: 549. - M. Lotem, H. Gloobe, H. Nathan:
Fibrotic arch around the deep branch of the ulnar nerve in the hand. Anatomical observations. Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery, Baltimore, 1973, 52: 553-556.