Snyder's test
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A calorimetric test for evaluating caries activity or susceptibility. Saliva is brought in contact with an acid agar to which is added glucose and bromcreosol green as indicator. Acid producing microorganisms (e.g. lactobacillus) in the saliva make the colour change from blue-green to yellow. A rapid change of colour indicates high caries activity.
- E. Szponar:
[Usefulness of Snyder's test for assessing the caries activity in a selected group of workers in a dextrin plant] [Article in Polish].
Czasopismo Stomatologiczne, November 1980, 33 (11): 947-952. F. Zelante, E.I. Souza, R. Nunes Sobrinho:
[Comparative study between Snyder's test and the Lactobacillus count in school children with poor oral hygiene] [Article in Portuguese]
Revista da Faculdade de odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo, January-July 1973, 11(1): 139-144.ul>