Pachon's oscillometer
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Instrument for measuring blood pressure. Pachon's oscillometer is an improvement over the oscillometer devised by Heinrich von Recklinghausen (1867-1942). It was widely used during World war I and between the world wars.
- Roméo Boucher and Gabriel Lafresnière:
A new Factor in Blood Pressure.
Canadian Medical Association Journal, November 1932, 27 (5): 519-520. li>Ashton Graybiel, Arthur W. Allen, and Paul D. White
A histological study of the arterioles of the muscle and skin from the arm and leg in individuals with coarctation of the aorta.
The Journal of Clinical Investigation, January 1935, 14(1): 52-56. - G. Van Kote:
[Pachon's oscillometer] [Article in French]. Soins, Paris, January 1966, 11 (1): 37-38. - A. Sapinski, B. Indyk, M. Indyk:
[Measuring blood pressure in children with Pachon's oscillometer based on the sphygmooscillographic method] [Article in Polish]
Wiadomosci Lekarskie, Katowice, July 15, 1985, 38 (14): 997-1000.