Haferkamp's syndrome
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A syndrome characterized by an association of generalized hemangiomatosis and osteolysis that does not cause complete disappearance of the bones. It is a variant of Gorham's syndrome. Aetiology unknown.
Gorham's syndrome is a very rare syndrome marked by the gradual and often complete circumscribed spontaneous resorption of bone tissue or a group of bones.
- O. Haferkamp:
Über das Syndrom: Generalisierte maligne Hämangiomatosis mit Osteolysis.
Zeitschrift für Krebsforschung, Berlin, September 1961, 64 (5): 418-426. - Sergio I. Magalini, Sabina C. Magalini, Giovanni de Francisi:
Dictionary of Medical Syndromes. J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. 1990. - Stanley Jablonski:
Jablonski’s Dictionary of Syndromes & Eponymic diseases.
Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida, 1991.