Mönckenberg's sclerosis
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Calcification seen in arteries with well developed muscular coat (e.g. the radial and temporal arteries), especially in the lower extremities, forming irregular bands around the affected arteries. Intermittent claudication with pain in foot, calf, thigh, buttock. Onset after 50 years of age. Frequently associated with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and in women who smoke excessively (two packets or more per day). Aetiology unknown.
We thank Gregory Roberts and Tadaaki Hiruki for information submitted.
- J. G. Mönckeberg:
Über die reine Mediaverkalkung der Extremitätenarterien und ihr Verhalten zur Arteriosklerose.
Virchows Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie, und für klinische Medicin, Berlin, 1903, 171: 141-167.