Harlequin's syndrome
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An autosomal recessive form of ichtyosis that is incompatible with extrauterine life. The child is born with abnormal skin which is divided into areas by deep red fissures, diamond-shaped plaques, up to 4-5 cm on one side, that resembles a thick horny armor. The affected infants are usually of low birth-weight and die within 1 week after birth. Aetiology unknown. Inheritance is autosomal recessive.
- E. Seeligmann:
De epidermis imprimis neonatorum desquamatione.
Inaugural dissertation. Berlin, 1841.
[Epidermal desquamation of the newborn.] - E. Riecke:
Über Ichtyosis congenita.
Archiv für Dermatologie und Syphilis, Berlin, 1900, 54: 289-340. - M. S. Thomson, C. P. G. Wakely:
The harlequin fetus. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the British Empire, London, 1921, 28: 190-203.