Benedict's test
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A rough/gross quantitative test for presence of sugar in urine, using Benedict's solution. In the 1930s and 1940s, this test was used by many family doctors as a rapid screening test for glycosuria and possible diabetes.
- S. R. Benedict:
A reagent for the detection of reducing sugars.
The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Baltimore, 1909; 5: 485-487. - S. R. Benedict:
The analysis of whole blood. II. The determination of sugar and of saccharoids (non-fermentable reducing substances).
The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1931, 92 (1): 141-159. - Robert D. Simoni, Robert L. Hill, and Martha Vaughan:
Benedict's Solution, a Reagent for Measuring Reducing Sugars: the Clinical Chemistry of Stanley R. Benedict. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Baltimore, April 19, 2002, 277 (16): 10-11.