Morel-Lavallée's syndrome
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Degloving injury of an extremity after a crush injury. The skin and subcutaneous fat is totally separated from muscle, creating a cavity filled by bloody serous liquid (Morel-Lavallée's serous effusion). Occurs frequently in patients with pelvic fractures.
- V-.A.-F. Morel-Lavallée:
Traumatismes formés aux membres inférieurs. Thesis; Paris, 1848. - Décollements traumatiques de la peau et des couches sous-jacentes.
Archives générales de médecine, Paris, 1963, sixth series, volume 1: 20-38, 172-200, 300-332. - Épanchements traumatiques de sérosité.
Archives générales de médecine, Paris, 1853. - D. J. Hak, S. A. Olson, J. M. Matta:
Diagnosis and management of closed internal degloving injuries associated with pelvic and acetabular fractures: the Morel-Lavallée lesion.
The Journal of Trauma, Baltimore, 1997, 42:1046. - Pierre G. Vico:
Morel-Lavallée syndrome.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2000, 23 (1): 45-48.