Lhermitte's hallucinosis
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In 1922 Jean Lhermitte described a 72 year-old female who experienced bizarre visual hallucinations associated with clinical signs suggesting focal midbrain and pontine involvement. Gilbert Horrax (1887-1957) in 1923 presented the literature to date, beginning with an 1879 report by Karl Friedrich Otto Westphal (1833-1890) and including cases from individuals such as John Hughlings Jackson (1835-1911. Jean Étienne Dominique Esquirol (1772-1840) described the phenomenon in 1837. In 1924 Ludo van Bogaert (1897-1989) described similar features in a 59-year-old female and proposed to use the term "l'hallucinose pédonculaire" (peduncular hallucinosis) to describe the phenomenon.
- J. E. D. Esquirol:
Les malades mentales. 1837. Reprinted in 1965: Mental Maladies. NY: Hafner Press. - J. Lhermitte:
Syndrome de la calotte pédonculaire. Les troubles psychosensoriels dans les lesions du mesencepahle.
Revue Neurologique, 1922, 38: 1359-1365. - J. Lhermitte:
L'encéphalite léthargique. 1922. - G. Horrax:
Visual hallucinations as a cerebral localizing phenomenon, with especial reference to their occurrence in tumors of the temporal lobe.
Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 1923, 19: 532-547. - L. van Bogaert:
Syndrome inferieur du noyau rouge, troubles psychosensoriels d'origine mesocephalique. Revue neurologique, 1924, 40: 417-423. - L. van Bogaert:
L'hallucinose pédonculaire. Revue neurologique, 1927, 47: 608-617. - Alfred Gordon (1874-1953):
Hallucinosis as a clinical entity.
Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 1929, 21: 217-218. - J. Lhermitte:
L'hallucinose pédonculaire. L'Encephale, Paris, 1932, 27: 422-435. - G. Horrax and Tracy Jackson Putnam (1894-1975):
Distortion of the visual fields in cases of brain tumor: The field defects and hallucinations produced by tumors of the occipital lobe. Brain, 1932, 55: 499-523. - Georges de Morsier (1894-1982):
Pathogénie de l'hallucinose pédonculaire, A propos d'un nouveau cas.
Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift, 1936, 27, 645-646. - J. Lhermitte & G. Delthil et Garnier:
Syndrome contro-lateral du noyau rouge avec hallucinations visuelles et auditives.
Revue Neurologique, 1938, 70: 623-628. - J. Lhermitte:
Les fondements anatomo-physiologiques de certaines hallucinations visuelles.
Confinia Neurologica, 1949, 9: 43-57. - J. Lhermitte:
Visual hallucination of the self. British Medical Journal, 1951, 1: 431-434. - J. Lhermitte:
Les hallucinations: clinique et physiopathologie. Paris: Doin, 1951. - Anthony H. Risser and Frank C. Powell:
Lhermitte's Peduncular Hallucinosis - An historical perspective.
Paper presented at the 45th Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. New York, 1993.