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A thoracic dystrophy syndrome, characterized mainly by abnormalities involving the chest, larynx and pelvis. It is characterized by thoracic dystrophy (mall and rigid bell-shaped thorax with small chest volume), laryngeal stenosis, normal stature with variable asymmetry, asthenic build, and small pelvis. The small chest cavity affects breathing and can affect survival, especially during infancy. Inhritance is autosomal dominant.
Barnes’ syndrome has many features in common with Jeune’s syndrome. This will be entered later under Mathis Jeune, French pediatrician, 1910-1983.
Barnes’ syndrome has many features in common with Jeune’s syndrome. This will be entered later under Mathis Jeune, French pediatrician, 1910-1983.
M. Jeune, Cl. Beraud and R. Carron:
Dystrophie thoracique asphyxiante de caract6re familial.
Archives Francaises de Pédiatrie, 1955, 12: 886.
P. Durand, P., A. Razzi, S. Mastragostino and F. A. Gimelli:
La distrofia toracica adfissiante (malattia di Jeune): tentativo d'intervento chirurgico sulla gabbia toracica. Minerva Pediatrica, 1965, 17: 1437.
A. Razzi, C. Rosso and P. Durand:
Contributo anatomopatologico alla distrofia toracica asfissiante del lattante (malattia di Jeune) e considerazioni sull'utilita terapeutica dell'intervento chirurgico sulle coste.
Minerva Pediatrica, 1965, 17: 1823.
C. G. H. Newman and R. S. Evans:
Device for control ofoxygen concentration with Bird respirator. The Lancet, 1969, 1: 28.
N. D. Barnes, W. J. Glover, D. Hull and A. D. Milner:
Effects of prolonged positive-pressure ventilation in infancy. The Lancet, 1969a, 2: 1096.
N. D. Barnes, D. Hull and J. S. Symons:
Thoracic dystrophy. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1969b, 44: 11-17.
N. D. Barnes, D. Hull, A. D. Milner, and D. J. Waterston:
Chest reconstruction in thoracic dystrophy.
Archives of Disease in Childhood, London, 1971, 46: 833-837.
From The Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London.
Dystrophie thoracique asphyxiante de caract6re familial.
Archives Francaises de Pédiatrie, 1955, 12: 886.
P. Durand, P., A. Razzi, S. Mastragostino and F. A. Gimelli:
La distrofia toracica adfissiante (malattia di Jeune): tentativo d'intervento chirurgico sulla gabbia toracica. Minerva Pediatrica, 1965, 17: 1437.
A. Razzi, C. Rosso and P. Durand:
Contributo anatomopatologico alla distrofia toracica asfissiante del lattante (malattia di Jeune) e considerazioni sull'utilita terapeutica dell'intervento chirurgico sulle coste.
Minerva Pediatrica, 1965, 17: 1823.
C. G. H. Newman and R. S. Evans:
Device for control ofoxygen concentration with Bird respirator. The Lancet, 1969, 1: 28.
N. D. Barnes, W. J. Glover, D. Hull and A. D. Milner:
Effects of prolonged positive-pressure ventilation in infancy. The Lancet, 1969a, 2: 1096.
N. D. Barnes, D. Hull and J. S. Symons:
Thoracic dystrophy. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1969b, 44: 11-17.
N. D. Barnes, D. Hull, A. D. Milner, and D. J. Waterston:
Chest reconstruction in thoracic dystrophy.
Archives of Disease in Childhood, London, 1971, 46: 833-837.
From The Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London.