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From 1939 until the 1950s, a running corneoscleral suture was used by some ophthalmologists to close the corneoscleral wound in cataract surgery. This was known as the "Olmos corneoscleral suture". It was especially popular at the Cleveland Clinic where it was initiated by Dr. A.D. Ruedemann Sr. in the late 1930s and continued into the 1950s by his successor Dr. Roscoe J. Kennedy. It was eventually replaced by a McLean-type suture.
We thank William Charles Caccamise Sr, MD, for submitting this item. Caccamise is a retired Clinical Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry Rochester, New York (USA).
E. S. Olmos:
• Surjete esclero-corneal en la operacion de la cataract.
Anales de la Sociedad mexicana de oftalmología y oto-rino-laringología,
1939, 14: 153-158.
A. D. Ruedeman Jr and A. D. Ruedeman Sr:
• The running suture in cataract surgery.
Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society, San Francisco, 1966,
68: 142-155.
• Surjete esclero-corneal en la operacion de la cataract.
Anales de la Sociedad mexicana de oftalmología y oto-rino-laringología,
1939, 14: 153-158.
A. D. Ruedeman Jr and A. D. Ruedeman Sr:
• The running suture in cataract surgery.
Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society, San Francisco, 1966,
68: 142-155.