Wegner's disease
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Pseudoparalysis due to separation of orthochondritic epiphyses occurring in infants with congenital syphilis. Causes disabling pain on movement. Onset most commonly in first 3 weeks of life, seldom after 3 months. Upper extremities affected more frequently than lower.
First description of the disease picture by the Swedish physician Niels Rosén [von Rosenstein] (1706-1773) in 1747, by Wegner in 1870 and Parrot in 1871.
- F. R. G. Wegner:
Über hereditäre Knochensyphilis bei jungen Kindern.
[Virchows] Archiv für pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und für klinische Medicin, Berlin, 1870, 50 (3): 305-322. - J. M. Parrot:
Sur une pseudo-paralysie causée par une altération du système osseux chez les nouveau-nés atteints de syphilis héréditaire.
Archives de physiologie normale et pathologique Paris, 1871-1872, 4: 319-333, 470-490, 612-623.