Alibert-Bazin syndrome
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Historic term for mycosis fungoides. A rare, chronic and fatal disease of the reticuloendothelial system. It is a T-cell lymphoma of the skin, frequently also affecting the lymph nodes and viscera. The course runs through three stages: premycoid, infiltrative and tumour stage. Characteristic symptoms are eczematoid eruption, psoriasis, dermatitis exfoliativa, and parapsoriasis; later circinate and gyrate elevated plaques of various sizes. The tumour stage is manifested by lesions of various sizes. More frequent in males (2:1). Onset at any age after seventh year, usually in middle age. Etiology unknown.
- J. L. Alibert:
Description des maladies de la peau observées à l'Hôpital Saint-Louis et exposition des meilleures méthodes suivies pour leur traitement.
Paris, Barrois l’aîné et fils, 1806. Page 157. - A. Bazin:
Affections cutanées artificielles. Paris, 1852. - H. Auspitz:
Ein Fall von Granuloma fungoides (Mycosis fungoides Alibert).
Vierteljahresschrift für Dermatologie und Syphilis, Wien, 1885, 12: 123-143.