Eponyms beginning with L
- La louisette
- La Veuve (the Widow)
- Laband-Zimmermann syndrome
- Laband’s syndrome
- Labbé's vein (Charles Labbé)
- Labhart-Willi syndrome
- Lachapelle’s manoeuvre
- Lactobacillus of Boas-Oppler
- Ladd's bands
- Ladd's operation
- Ladd's syndrome
- Ladd-Gross syndrome
- Laehr-Henneberg hard palate
- Laënnec's cirrhosis
- Laënnec's pearls
- Laënnec's thrombus
- Laënnec-Hamman symptom
- Laënnec-Müller-von Bergmann-Hamman symptom
- Laënnec’s syndrome
- Laffer-Ascher syndrome
- Lafora's bodies
- Lafora's disease
- Lafora's disease
- Lafora-Unverricht syndrome
- Lafora’s myoclonic epilepsy