Eponyms beginning with I
- Ibrahim's disease
- Illig's syndrome
- Illig-type growth hormone deficiency
- Imbrication lines of von Ebner
- Imerslund's anaemia
- Imerslund's syndrome
- Imerslund-Gräsbeck syndrome
- Imerslund-Najman-Gräsbeck anaemia
- Imerslund-Najman-Gräsbeck disease
- Imerslund-Najman-Gräsbeck syndrome
- Incomplete Horner syndrome
- Incremental lines of von Ebner
- Indirect Coombs' test
- Ingrassia's apophyses
- Insley-Astley syndrome
- Insley-Astley syndrome
- Inverted or reverse (Marcus) Gunn syndrome
- Isaac-Mertens syndrome
- Isayev-Pfeiffer phenomenon
- Ishihara's charts and test
- Islands of Reil
- Islets of Langerhans
- Iso-Kikuchi syndrome
- Itard's catheter
- Itard's catheter.