Eponyms beginning with B
- Basedow's ocular syndromes
- Basedow's syndrome or disease
- Bassini's operation
- Bastian's aphasia
- Bastian-Bruns law or sign
- Bastian’s rule
- Bateman's disease
- Bateman's purpura
- Bateman's syndrome
- Bateman's syndrome
- Bates' method
- Batten disease
- Batten's syndrome
- Batten-Gibb syndrome
- Batten-Kufs syndrome
- Batten-Mayou disease
- Batten-Spielmeyer-Vogt disease
- Batten-Steinert syndrome
- Batten-Turner form of congenital myopathy
- Batten-Turner syndrome
- Batten’s disease
- Battle's incision
- Battle's operation
- Battle's sign
- Baty-Vogt bands