Eponyms beginning with R
- Rokitansky-Cushing ulcer
- Rokitansky-Hauser syndrome
- Rokitansky-Küster syndrome
- Rokitansky-Maude Abbott syndrome
- Rokitansky’s disease
- Rolandic sulcus
- Rolandic vein occlusion syndrome
- Rolandis epilepsy
- Rolando's cells
- Rolando's fissure
- Rolando's gelatinous substance
- Rolando's substance
- Rolando-Furche (German)
- Rolland-Desbuquois dysplasia
- Rolland-Desbuquois form of dyssegmental dysplasia
- Rollet's syndrome (J. Rollet)
- Romaña's sign
- Romano-Ward syndrome
- Romberg's sign (Moritz Heinrich Romberg)
- Romberg-Wood syndrome (Ernst von Romberg)
- Romberg’s disease (Moritz Heinrich Romberg)
- Rorschach test
- Rosa curve tracer
- Rosai-Dorfman Disease
- Rosai-Dorfman syndrome